On which type of customers, Enhanced Due Diligence has to be carried out?

On which type of customers, Enhanced Due Diligence has to be carried out?

Regulated Entities are required to follow a Risk-Based Approach in Anti-Money Laundering (AML) compliance, where Enhanced Due Diligence (EDD) must be carried out when dealing with high-risk customers. A customer is said to pose high ML/TF risks if:

  • The customer is a Politically Exposed Person (PEP)
  • The customer comes from or has a close association with a “high-risk jurisdiction” having weaker AML/CFT controls
  • Any concerned authority has notified the person as posing an increased ML/TF
  • The regulated entity observes any other red flag or potential risk indicator requiring the customer to be classified as high-risk.

Visit this blog to learn more about EDD